Examining evidence sometimes leads to finding out new information. You can look at this evidence whenever you want by pressing the R button (or tapping "organizer" on the bottom screen). This evidence is added to the Court Record.I mean, Edgeworth's organizer. The first is very simple: you look around and examine things in order to find evidence.

Investigation takes two forms in this game. Edgeworth's friend Detective Gumshoe bursts into the room, ready to investigate. Edgeworth's Office - The case begins with the police examining the scene of the crime. It seems the killer is still in the room, as a shadowy figure pulls a gun on Edgeworth and leaves without saying much, or doing much besides shooting the picture frame on the wall. He is surprised to find the door unlocked, and even more surprised to find a dead body in his room. Edgeworth enters his office about fifty minutes later, having just returned from a month-long trip overseas. Case One: Turnabout Visitor - Case One begins with a murder in Miles Edgeworth's office, early in the morning. Case One: Case Two: Case Three: Case Four: Case Five: 3. You can find them at the following links. Video Walkthrough - For those of you who are interested, I have made a video walkthrough for this game. I made up my own names for the sections, because the game itself gives unhelpful names like "Middle – Part Two" to the various sections. Every time you get a chance to save your game, I start a new section of the guide. You can contact me at if you want to put my guide on your website or something like that. It's a spinoff of the Phoenix Wright series, starring the ever-popular cravat-wearing prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. General Information - This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS) game called Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.